We, as family researchers, forensic genealogists, and genealogical chartists, agree that professionalism requires ethical conduct in all relationships including here in the genealogical community.
The professional genealogist promotes a coherent, truthful approach to genealogy, family history, and local history. The professional presents research results and opinions in a clear, well-organized manner; fully and accurately cite sources; and does not withhold, suppress, or knowingly misquote or misinterpret sources or data.
The professional genealogist promotes the trust and security of genealogical consumers. The professional honestly advertises services and credentials; explains without concealment or misrepresentation of all fees, charges, and payment structures; abides by agreements regarding project scope, a number of hours, and deadlines or reporting schedules; keeps adequate, accessible records of financial and project-specific contacts with the consumer; and does not knowingly violate or encourage others to violate laws and regulations concerning copyright, right to privacy, business finances, or other pertinent subjects.
The professional genealogist supports records access and preservation. The professional is courteous to research facility personnel and treats records with care and respect; supports efforts to locate, collect, and preserve the records by compiling, cataloguing, reproducing, and indexing documents; and does not mutilate, rearrange, or remove from its proper custodian any printed, original, microform, or electronic record.
The professional genealogist promotes the welfare of the genealogical community. The professional gives proper credit to those who supply information and provide assistance; does not knowingly supplant another researcher; encourages applicable education, accreditation, and certification; and refrains from public behaviour, oral remarks, or written communications that defame the profession, individual genealogists, individual genealogists, the Association of Professional Genealogists, or the other certification boards we are connected to. .
1. Association of Professional Genealogists; “Code of Ethics and Professional Practices;”; last updated 2022 ; accessed 25th September 2022; URL –
https://www.apgen.org/cpages/code-of-ethic .