What is a lineage society? It is a group that has requirements to join based on your ancestry. To join, you will have an application to fill out, a membership fee to pay, and you will need to provide genealogical documentation for your ancestor. Several lineage societies operate by invitation only.
All lineage societies require membership candidates to provide documented proof of their lineal descent from a recognized society ancestor. Generally, within the first three generations, you are required to provide official birth, marriage, and death certificates to prove the pedigree. Other documentation is usually accepted when official direct & indirect vital records are unavailable that support the Genealogical Proof Standards and prove your arguments of descendancy.
Many of the lineage societies involved here include Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR), Daughter of American Colonists (DAC), General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD), Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), United Empire Loyalists (UEL), etc. There are literally more than a hundred known lineage societies. GEN-FIND will work with you to document proof of your relationship to the ancestral subject.
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