The Alberta Family Histories Society, based in Calgary Alberta, is a non-profit organization. Formed in 1980, its goal is to promote and encourage family genealogical research, particularly where it pertains to Alberta history and records. The site contains some excellent collections of link for such areas of interest as: research guides, how to deal with dates and addresses, maps, advice on getting started, book vendors, medical/health issues, methodological aids/courses, dictionaries and word lists, genealogical e-zines, general resources and research advice, military information, one name studies, additional search engines, surnames, social aspects of history, and other omnibus sites.
The Alberta provincial genealogical society whose goal is to promote and encourage family genealogical research, particularly where it pertains to Alberta’s history and records.
One of the largest genealogical search databases available for all worldwide activity, though requires a subscription. With this said, however, it only covers a very small percentage of all of the genealogically-related material ever created!