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Genealogical Reference Books Genealogical Books
Genealogical Reference Books
BCG Genealogical Standards Manual, 2nd Edition
This official manual from the Board of Certification for Genealogists, essentially a users' guide for family historians, provides standards for genealogical researchers to assess their own and others' work. The revised second edition increases the clarity of DNA and privacy standards.
Genealogical Reference Books
Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, 3rd Edition Rev.
Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace, 3rd Edition, Revised - Evidence Explained is the definitive guide to the citation and analysis of historical sources--a guide so thorough that it leaves nothing to chance for every genealogist - beginner and advanced.
Genealogical Reference Books
Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian
Every devoted genealogist is concerned with citations in their analysis for their genealogy. Accurate citations are necessary so that the evidence can be judged and if necessary allows for the research to be repeated. The author makes it easy to help genealogists (particularly the non-expert) to make sense out of citations and to improve their genealogy search.
Genealogical Reference Books
Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy – 2nd Edition
Discover the answers to your family history mysteries using the most cutting edge tool available. This plain-English guide (newly updated and expanded to include the latest DNA developments) will teach you what DNA tests are available; the pros and cons of the major testing companies; and how to choose the right test to answer your specific genealogy questions. And once you've taken a DNA test, this guide will help you use your often-overwhelming results, with tips for understanding ethnicity estimates, navigating suggested cousin matches, and using third-party tools like GED match to further analyze your data.
The book features: Colorful diagrams and expert definitions that explain key DNA terms and concepts such as haplogroups and DNA inheritance patterns; Detailed guides to each of the major kinds of DNA tests and tips for selecting the DNA test that can best help you solve your family mysteries, with case studies; Information about third-party tools you can use to more thoroughly analyze your test results once you've received them; Test comparison guides and research forms to help you select the most appropriate DNA test and organize your results; and Insights into how adoptees and others who know little about their ancestry can benefit from DNA testing.
Whether you've just heard of DNA testing or you've tested at all three major companies, this guide will give you the tools you need to unpuzzle your DNA and discover what it can tell you about your family tree.
Genealogical Reference Books
Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case – 4th Edition Revised
This book describes the important Genealogical Proof Standard, adopted by the Board for Certification of Genealogists to assist in building a solid case. It defines the standard and continues with an explanation of the standard and how evidence is evaluated. An easy-to-read guide to enable researchers to build a case even when there is a lack of a document with the desired information. This is the 4th revised edition of the publication.
Genealogical Reference Books
German-English Genealogical Dictionary
Compiled for the family researcher who needs to translate German-language documents, this specialized dictionary provides thousands of German terms associated with genealogy and defines them simply. In conjunction with a standard German-English dictionary, this work should enable the user to translate German documents. Entries cover family relationships, days of the week, numbers, map and legal terms, place names, historical territories, geographical terms, occupations, titles, names, heraldry, abbreviations, and many other topics. Common genealogical words from Danish, Dutch, French, Latin, and Polish are given as well. Also included are the German alphabet, with script variations, suffix lists, old historical German words and variants, and genealogical symbols used in Germany.
Genealogical Reference Books
Mastering Genealogical Proof – Illustrated
As a unique textbook on genealogical methods and reasoning in the twenty-first century, Mastering Genealogical Proof guides readers in acquiring genealogical skills transcending chronological, ethnic, geopolitical, and religious boundaries. This book walks you through each step of the genealogical proof standard and explains why it's needed and an important past in the research process. Each chapter covers a step in the genealogical proof standard and concludes with practical exercises to work through that illustrate the various elements which make up the genealogical proof standard. Answers to the exercises can be found at the end of the book as well as a resource list and glossary of terms.
Genealogical Reference Books
Professional Genealogy: A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers, and Librarians
This is a manual by professionals for everyone serious about genealogy. For family historians who want to do their own study, reliably, it describes the standards. For hobbyists, attorneys, and medical scientists who seek professional researchers, it's a consumer guide that defines quality and facilitates choices. For librarians who struggle to help a whole new class of patrons, it provides a bridge to the methods, sources, and minutiae of "history, up-close and personal." For established genealogical professionals, it offers benchmarks by which they can advance their skills and places their businesses on sounder footing. And for all those who dream of turning a fascinating hobby into a successful career, Professional Genealogy details the preparation and the processes.
Genealogical Reference Books
Reading Early American Handwriting