Genealogical Reference Books
Mastering Genealogical Proof – Illustrated
As a unique textbook on genealogical methods and reasoning in the twenty-first century, Mastering Genealogical Proof guides readers in acquiring genealogical skills transcending chronological, ethnic, geopolitical, and religious boundaries. This book walks you through each step of the genealogical proof standard and explains why it's needed and an important past in the research process. Each chapter covers a step in the genealogical proof standard and concludes with practical exercises to work through that illustrate the various elements which make up the genealogical proof standard. Answers to the exercises can be found at the end of the book as well as a resource list and glossary of terms.
Jones, Thomas W.Year Published:
2013Publishing Company:
National Genealogical Society (Arlington, VA)Format:
Paperback, 178 pagesWeight(kg):
0.871Dimensions (LxWxD – cm):
27.94 x 21.59 x 1.27